transformations took place in this city
and the Gates too endured changes, especially in their names. Several traditions
are coupled with the name of this very gate too. According to some historians
the name of the gate is marred form of “Moti”. Pandit Moti Ram, a guard in the
reign of Akbar used to watch over the gate and remained attached to his post till
he breathed his last. For this reason the gate was named after him. However,
some historians avow that “Mochi” is the marred form of Urdu word “Morchi”
which means “Trench Soldier”. It is further supported by the fact that the
different streets (Mohallahs) which still bear their old names like Mohalla
Teer-garan (arrow craftsmen), Mohalla Kaman-garan (bow
craftsmen). Even till today we find bazaars on the same names hence the second
one makes more sense.
Like many other gates of the walled city, this gate was also
completely pulled down during the British period but was never built again. The
British established a garden beside the road which has been the scene of many
historical meetings and processions held by different political parties and
other groups. Now the marks of the gate are hard to locate because of changes
in the land use and additions of structures and houses.

A few steps away from Mohallah Shian there is a “Khoya
Bazaar” and the Mosque of “Mullah Muhammad Saleh Kamboh” who was a teacher of
Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb. This Mosque was once as stunning as Wazir Khan Mosque
but due to negligence and lack of maintenance, it has lost its grandeur.
However, few remains of the fresco are still visible on its outer walls and
inner chambers. This is a must see place in this Gate.

Another Mosque worth mentioning is the Mosque of Mullah
Majeed near Nisar Haveli inside Mohallah Chehal Bibian. Mullah Majeed was a
foreign trader who often visited Lahore for business. Being religious and to invest
his earnings in a noble cause he constructed this Mosque.
While walking inside the twisting streets we come across
unique street names like Gali Bandooq
Sazan, Noor Gali, Koocha Kaman Garan, Gali Rani Gul begum, Koocha Chabak
Sawaran which finally joins with Rang Mehal Chowk.
The Haveli of Mian Khan is also located inside the Mochi
gate and can also be accessed from Shah Almi Gate. This massive Haveli was
built in Emperor Shah Jahan`s reign by his Prime Minister Nawab Saadullah Khan.
It was completed during the reign of Emperor Aurangzeb by the Nawab`s son, Mian
Khan, who was the then Governor of Lahore. When the British took over Lahore in
1849, they converted Rang Mahal into a Mission School. Till date, the building
is in use of the school.
While traversing in the narrow snaking streets of the Mochi
Gate, you cannot escape the aroma of “Das Kulcha with Lonchara” which is
the mouthwatering breakfast and also a delicacy of the gate since decades. This
gate is also known for meat kebabs and other dishes. We also find the famous
Fazal Sweets shop here, the owner of which had migrated from Kashmir to Lahore
in 1933 seeking for a better future for himself. He was utterly skilled in the
art of sweet making. He won the hearts of the Lahoris with his specialty “Paithay
ka halwa” which he introduced in Lahore for the first time. Initially he opened
his shop twice a week and the people eagerly waited for it.
Beside these shops, there is “Muhallah Sadakaraan” where one
of the great classical singers of the subcontinent “Ustad Chotay Ghulam Ali
Khan” lived. It is unfortunate that most of the people have no idea about him
and his art and it is a forgotten chapter of history.
The value of these places need to be communicated to the
youngsters so that they cherish the relics of their forefathers and take a
pride in it. We spend holidays in different parts of the world ignoring our own
heritage and city. I suggest plan a trip to walled city this time and you will
be lost in a world of wonders forever.
(The writer is a media professional and can be reached at taniaq29@gmail.com)
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